Update #2

Hi again, in this second weekly update I'm gonna keep it short as we have some big ideas planned for next week/ we are working on now.

Script- The script is being written as we speak and is coming along nicely

Coding- Also coming along nicely, I have learnt a lot and the games code is looking to be finished (The basics) in 2 weeks

Art- The art is on hold for the moment, we have all the art we need right now and the main focus is on releasing a demo

Soundtrack- One new track developed, work on a second started

The demo is going to play out over the course of one in game evening and will prominently feature you (Em) and Veronica, with an appearance from A4 at the end briefly. In terms of character development I am working on Ruby right as a main priority. The script and Ruby's character (For the demo) will be complete by next week.

Here is our TO DO LIST

Pre game:

  • Coding template
  • Script
  • Character Designs
  • Script Feedback and revisions

Game Development:

  • Game art
  • Coding
  • Game testing
  • Music

Post Demo completion:

  • Company name
  • Game name
  • Itch.io Storefront Artwork
  • Social Media for company if we want to make a full game
  • Consider other digital marketplaces as well

If you have any feedback please feel free to comment, thank you

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